Unlock the true essence of the Quran with our Word-for-Word Quran Translation Course, designed to help you understand the divine message with clarity and confidence. This course goes beyond mere translation, offering an in-depth study of each Arabic word, its root meanings, and grammatical structure, making it easier for you to comprehend the Quran directly without relying on translations.
Translation of each word of Quran.
Islamic Upbringing
Brief Tarbiyah Lesson.
Root Words
Root Words & Grammatical Analysis
MCQS for each Ruku
Course Syllabus
Translation of each word of Quran
Root Words
Grammatical Analysis
Tarbiyah Lessons
Course Duration
& Timings
Monday to Thursday
10:00 AM to 12:30 PM
Duration of 3 Months
Monday to Thursday
3:00 PM to 5:30 PM
Duration of 3 Months
Eligibility Criteria : This course is open to girls and women of all ages and educational backgrounds.